Thanks to integrations and exports of ready-made rss feeds, you can quickly create your own personal digest. If you're missing any other integrations, write to us.

Integrationwith browsers
Briefcake uses bookmarklets for browser integration. Bookmarklets are little javascript links that live in the bookmarks toolbar of your browser. It's a safe and easy way to add new sites to your feed.
How to add bookmarklet to your browser
- Turning on Favourite bar.
- Safari: View > Show Favourites Bar
- Google Chrome: View > Always Show Bookmarks Bar
- Drag "Briefcake" button up to your bookmarks toolbar. You can rename them to whatever you
like by right-clicking and choosing Edit name
Briefcake Drag this button to the bookmarks bar ⤴
- Open the site you want to add to your feed and click on the Briefcake button in the favorite bar.
If you use Internet Explorer
If you're using Internet Explorer, dragging won't work. Right-click on the bookmarklet instead, and select 'add to Favorites' at the prompt.

Integrationwith Google Chrome
For Chromium-based browser you need to add extensions without Chrome Web Store. A guide on how to download and configure the extensions is available on the download page.
Integrationwith Firefox
Extension is published on addons pages. You can add your favorite sites directly from Firefox.
Import/Export from standard formats
Import. You can import your feed directly to Briefcake. To do this, log in to your briefcake account and go to Import. Supports popular feed formarts:
- Atom feed
- JSON feed
Export. You can export your feed into an OPML file. To do this, log in to your account and go to Export.

Integrationwith Pocket
Pocket is your own private corner of the web to spend quality time with great articles. Integrations with Briefcake gives ability to save articles into a pocket for later reading.
To enable Pocket integration, log in to your Briefcake account and go to Integrations.